Article writers using content marketing often overlook content readability when composing their articles. Writing articles online for money must not only consider motivating readers to buy a product. To make money writing online, authors must also provide readable quality content.
With the advent of Google's stated goal to improve a user's search experience, many websites and articles lost their coveted positions in Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs). It is now, more than ever, that quality website content writing is king. Writing online for money as a means of 'gaming' the search engines through keyword stuffing, article blasts to thousands of article directories, and weak, poorly structured website content writing are gone.
Readability measures the grade level needed to understand any document. There are several schemes that are used to determine readability. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is one of better known and most used measurements. Your content writing can be much improved if you incorporate this measure into your article writing.
Although it has come under criticism for its simplicity, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale is still widely used and can give you an idea of your article's readability.
You can determine your article's readability with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale which assigns a grade level to the written material. MS Word provides a readability statistics feature found under the spell check tab that determines your article's grade level reading score.
There are free utilities on the web that allow you to copy and paste your document and the utility will return the grade level score. There are others. is one. You can find them with a 'free readability tools' search on the internet.
You can also use the Google 'more search tools' feature found at the bottom of the left navigation bar when doing a Google search and choosing 'reading level'. The organic results will show 'basic', 'intermediate', or 'advanced' reading levels for each of the page results.
Although, the results may not be 100% accurate, they do give you an idea of the grade level that your article or page is written at. It may seem that I am putting much emphasis on readability and quality content. It is important to note when writing for the web that the content be easily understandable by your targeted reader. You make make money writing articles online by targeting your reader.
Ideal Reading Level
If you dumb down your website content writing, the reader may feel insulted and dismiss your words. If your words are too pedantic, readers may accuse you of flaunting your knowledge. You may have quality content, but not readable by your targeted audience.
What is the ideal reading grade level? The answer eludes me. Many claim that the national average reading level is eighth grade and that article writers should write at that level or lower when writing for the web. I have yet to find any evidence to substantiate that claim or that you will make money writing to that grade level.
Studies have been conducted by various governmental agencies under the U.S. Department of Education and by independent private agencies on various aspects of literacy throughout the United States, but I have yet to find any authoritative data that specifically identifies the national reading average to be at the eighth grade level.
Adult Literacy in America
The study most often cited as the source of the eighth grade reading level claim is a 1993 study, Adult Literacy in America: A First Look at the Results of the National Adult Literacy Survey, by Irwin S. Kirsch, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics. You can review the results yourself at the National Center for Education Statistics.
However, the study does not specifically state that the national reading level average is at the eighth grade level. In fact, the study's committee "� agreed that expressing the literacy proficiencies of adults in school-based terms or grade-level scores is inappropriate."
The study did survey levels of literacy skills ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, with Level 5 being the most difficult or the highest skill level. The survey did show that about half the population performed at levels 3-5 and half performed within the lower levels 1 and 2.
SERPs and Readability
Nevertheless, if we accept the various reading level scales like, Flesch-Kincaid, article writers can improve their content marketing to more closely match the acceptance of targeted readers. In addition, Google and other search engines may or may not look favorably on the webpage or article and rank it higher than one that Google deems to be written at an inappropriate level as evidenced by the Official Google Blog
For instance, an article written at the twelfth grade level about building a tool shed may not be looked upon as worthy of Google's definition of maximizing the user search experience. An article on the same subject written at the sixth or seventh grade level might, well fair much better in the SERPs.
On the other hand, writing an article on the Literacy Statistics of Migrant Workers at the fourth or fifth grade level would not fare well with academic readers and probably not with the search engines.
The point is that article writers should consider readability when writing articles. The effort does not need to be an all consuming effort. Readability can easily be checked with one of the tools I mentioned earlier.
Be aware of the end user. The more you comply with Google's goal of "providing the best user experience possible," the more favorably the search engine will rank your writing for money efforts.
There are several ways to simplify the writing process. One of the quickest and most easily adaptable ways is to create and follow a simple outline for all of your business writing.
While you don't need a detailed, four-page outline that encompasses every point you want to make or every theory you purport, a simple outline can assist you in organizing your thoughts, narrowing your topic, helping you decide exactly what you want to say, and ensuring that you cover every important aspect of your subject.
An outline also helps you jump over the writer's block hurdle that plagues nearly every writer at one time or another.
Organize Your Thoughts
Before you even begin to write, spend some time brainstorming. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen, or a blank computer screen and a keyboard, and write down everything you can think of that relates to your topic. Include ideas that are only slightly relevant, ideas that you may eventually discard, but don't filter your thoughts at this point. Spend about 10-15 minutes writing down EVERYTHING you can think of about this subject.
When you're finished, go back over what you've written and eliminate duplicate thoughts, unnecessary or irrelevant ideas, or anything else you don't want to include.
Now you have a fairly thorough list of the general ideas you want to discuss.
Narrow Your Topic
Next, look at your ideas more closely. Do you really want to cover every one of them? Are some of these topics better left unsaid or some such common knowledge that you don't need to mention them? Only you can decide what's important, but focus on what you really want to say. Ask yourself some questions, such as:
� Who am I trying to reach with this writing?
� What do I want my readers to understand?
� Are each of these ideas necessary to my central theme?
� Have I left anything out?
Decide Exactly What You Want to Say
Once you have each general topic area defined, it's time to think about each area in more detail. Decide what makes each thing you've written down important. Determine what it is that you want your readers to understand about each specific idea. Write your first draft at this point, being careful to fill in every detail you can. It's much easier to edit and cut extraneous material than to try to go back and fill it in later.
Cover Every Important Aspect of Your Subject
After you've written your first draft, you'll want to go back and evaluate every sentence, and every paragraph. Have you covered every important aspect of your subject? Should you expand an idea more fully? Can you rewrite a sentence or a paragraph to make it read more clearly or professionally? Now is the time to do your best work. Ensure that your subject is covered fully and completely and that you have said exactly what you intended to say.
Consider Hiring a Professional
Most small business owners and entrepreneurs must wear many, if not all, of the hats in the company. While it's easy to recognize the importance of your business communications, it's also easy to allow them to crucial documents to exit your office without full consideration for their impact on your bottom line.
Consider this... if you don't communicate clearly and effectively with your clients and prospects, you'll lose their attention -- and their business!
That's why, if your business writing skills are less than professional, you should seriously consider hiring a professional writer and/or editor to assist you.
Often, the first thing your audience sees is your written communication, and if you fail there, you'll never get the chance to show them what great products and astounding customer service you can provide!
Getting your website into the top ten results of Google for competitive, high search volume terms that directly relate to your business can be quite challenging. These types of search terms are highly desirable because they are what your potential customers type in when they're ready to buy what you offer. Of course, your competitors are aware of this too, and that's why there is so much competition. Getting onto the second and third pages of Google can be relatively simple, but getting that extra push to be on the first page is not. However, link wheels can give you the boost you need.
Creating link wheels is very time consuming, as it involves building Web 2.0 properties and placing useful articles on them. You then have to properly link the properties to one another in a special fashion so they're all increasing the value of the other properties. After doing this, they'll have a lot of link juice which can then be passed to your main website. This powerful technique is used by the big companies because it gives them the edge they need to remain ahead of their competitors on the first page. With that said, they are not the ideal strategy when you are first starting out.
You shouldn't go through a link wheel service if your site is not ranked at least on the second page of Google for competitive terms. They are not very effective when your site doesn't have much authority or visibility, as the powerful boost a link wheel gives the site might look suspicious to Google. However, when you are ranking in Google's top 20, the boost from a link wheel is acceptable and even expected, so it will shoot you onto the first page without any risk of getting your site penalized.
You will find that hiring a link wheel service to handle the creation of link wheels is the most cost effective way to go. The best ones have writers that will create the content for the Web 2.0 properties, and they'll even make a short YouTube video for you. They are experts at properly linking the Web 2.0 properties, and will be able to give your site a dramatic boost to put it on the first page of even very competitive terms.
Don't Get Scammed With An Online Business, How To Start Yours The Right Way
The Internet offers you many opportunities, to start a business and make some extra money. If you set things up properly, you can not only have a side business which will put a little bit of extra cash in your pocket, you can have a full-time business that will quickly surpass the amount of money that you're making at your job. Of course, it does require that you approach it in the proper way and that you treat it like a business, from start to finish. That being said, here is how to start a small business online to make some extra money and to get your feet wet in the online marketplace.
Although you certainly do have many different options available to you as to how to reach your customers, one of the easiest things that you can do is to use an online marketplace that is already established. One of the more popular of such marketplaces is eBay. It is possible for you to make money by using this auction website if you set things up properly. As a matter of fact, there are many people who earn their full-time living on eBay and they continue to grow their business in some rather unique ways.
That isn't to say, however, that the only thing that is necessary to start an eBay business is to find things in your garage that are no longer wanted. Yes, it is possible for you to sell those items to get a little bit of cash flow going but eventually, you're going to run out of things to sell. What do you do when you reach that position and find that you can continue to sell but you're out of products? That is where you turn to wholesalers, drop shippers and others that can warehouse the products for you and ship them once you make the sale.
As a matter of fact, people are using the drop shipping technique to sell on eBay and other online websites each and every day. It is something that can help you be successful very quickly and once you get started, you would be surprised with how far you are able to take it. You do need to have a business license to get connected with the legitimate drop shipping companies and you will need to establish a relationship with them so that it is mutually beneficial.
As your business continues to grow online, you will find that there are many things that can be done which will assist you in being successful. One of the most important things for you to consider, however, is that you must treat your customers like gold. This is not only true on auction websites where they are able to give immediate feedback but it is true, regardless of where you are selling. If you treat your customers properly, they will recommend you and you will get a reputation that will help to drive your business well into the future.
With the proliferation of World Wide Web, the spectrum and method of doing wholesale business has changed drastically over the past few decades. You can now start doing business without having to pre-purchase or stock any goods. All that needs to be done is to merely list products along with descriptions and graphics on the website of a B2B trade portal.
The secret of success lies in finding the right portal that has built its name and is well-known throughout the world of business for its extensive coverage of buyers and sellers. It would also be necessary to display the products of the wholesale business in an attractive manner with all pertinent information, prices, terms of business and graphics.
Basics of Wholesale Dropshipping Business
The essence of Dropshipping business is that you have to do some research and find products that would have a ready market and then find reliable dropshipping suppliers who would supply the goods against your orders promptly and without any complaints from your clients. You can only succeed if you can find saleable products and the relevant suppliers who will not let you down. Having done this exercise and having selected the right online trade portal, the products should be listed on that website in a proper manner.
You can then pass on the orders that are received, to the wholesale suppliers and ensure that the shipment is made on time. The website listing your products will receive the payment from the customer and will pass on the same to you after adjusting its charges. The payment to the wholesale supplier can be made thereafter.
Fighting Competition
It is obvious that since this business appears to be so simple, many people will be in the fray to capture the market. Competition will be fierce and you will have to find innovative means to fight the same for survival. The following tips will help in being successful in combating your competitors.
� The more attractive and informative your description of the product, the greater will be the possibility of impulsive purchases. It is essential that the information provided by you is persuasively descriptive.
� The description should be accompanied with attractive graphics and good quality photos of the products in actual use. It would also be a good idea to provide comparisons with other similar products. This will enable the visitor to the site to compare different products and make up his mind while he is still hooked on to your site. This will also prevent him from browsing and visiting other sites and ultimately it will improve your chances of getting the business.
� Offering a bonus with the product will prove to be very effective. The bonus could be in the form of reports containing interesting information and tips regarding use of the product.
� Once your client enters his credit card information and before the deal is closed, other products can also be recommended. If the wholesale order is for an electronic item, you can recommend related accessories.
Finding Good Wholesale Dropshipping Supplier's
If a reseller wants to have a smooth and profitable business operation, the most important thing is to find a good dropshipper. He will have no problems or hassles regarding delivery of goods, recovery of payments, and maintaining good quality of the products in line with what has been shown to the customer when the order was finalized. A drop-shipping list can provide names, addresses and telephone numbers of hundreds of companies but most of the time, these lists are outdated. As such, it is better to register with a website that has lists of itemized suppliers and make a choice. You can also become a member of wholesalers� forums which will make it possible to get useful information by way of other people�s experiences and recommendations regarding reliable suppliers.
Wholesale dropship directories can also be consulted.
Wholesale dropship business can be profitable if proper research and homework is done in the beginning to find the right product and the right wholesale supplier.
1 Click Cash Bot is a new software program system created, by Steven Lee Jones and Ben S, a couple of very well-known web marketers who actually focus on the standard of their merchandise, and not the variety of products they will put out. These guys are extraordinarily happy with this product and declare you could generate profits from day 1 using the software and their training.
Before I get into my full evaluate, I need to take this chance to speak to you slightly bit about software program and its place in web marketing. Many excessive profile web entrepreneurs � Notice I didn�t say guru�s, as a result of I don�t feel all guru�s are dangerous � are creating software program programs that in theory are a good suggestion, but when put into apply don�t actually work very well.
With that being stated there is a place for software program in internet marketing however please remember that it'll by no means substitute an actual internet marketing business plan. If you're coming to 1 Click Cash Bot because you suppose it would make you tons of cash on auto pilot I would recommend that you just rethink and attempt to go a extra traditional route that may help you create an enduring income.
I am going to be 100% sincere with you and I'm going to let you know I really do not know how 1 Click Cash Bot works, but the reality of the matter is, no one knows the way it works as a result of we have all heard the same thing, that this can be a cash getting software and training system. With that being mentioned please don't fall for the tricks that different entrepreneurs will try and pull, as a result of they dont know something about the product and only need to take your money.
I don't agree with that marketing strategy because I consider that if I educate you guys the reality, and give you quality info that you'll want to come back to my website more usually to see what I've to say about sure merchandise and to learn the way an actual internet marketer makes money.
Over time, you�ll develop a good rapport with your customers and they�ll belief you extra and more. Should you see it in a broad way, you�re merely giving your every part to this one 1 Click Cash Bot area of interest and in return getting the attention you want from it.
If �weight loss program books� is your specialty, you'll be able to make sure that you keep current relating to this matter so you realize what�s in style at the moment. It�s a lot better than just going after the broad niche of �books�. Total, your intention must be to be crystal clear in all of your communications along with your target market. The quality of your advertising and marketing campaigns can soar if you give attention to a 1 Click Cash Bot bonus, as you�ll know precisely which factors to focus on.... If, nonetheless, you�re attempting to reach an unlimited variety of folks with all completely different tastes and preferences, your messages will lose some of their power. It�s much more efficient to send out data that�s laser targeted on your own 1 Click Cash Bot niche. So should you�ve created a product that addresses �how one can enhance your golf swing,� it�s completely clear who your audience can be and what you are able to do for them. The people who can benefit from this info will recognize the value of your provide proper away.
How To Get on Your Road to Riches with Google AdWords Today will blow you away if you stick to it!
1- Find a product to promote, something you feel passionate about and that you know people will want to buy it. Start with simple products such as software or ebook, a good place to start is to go to and do a bit of research on google on the products you want to promote.
2- Do simple google keyword research to identify potential target market, make a google search for To find out about the popular keywords people are searching for.
3- Register an account at google adwords and follow the instruction to put an AdWords add with popular keywords to drive targeted visitors to your landing page or merchant website.
4- Build a landing page ( Like ) or optin-page to build your email list. It is important to get an autoresponder as soon as possible to build your list.
5- You will get a pay whenever a visitor you refer buys or completes a required �call-to-action�.
You also need to be willing to invest in yourself, to learn as much as possible. You must be teachable and believe that you can do it. You also must identify a team you can work with or find a mentor who is willing to guide you.
Most important of all, you must enjoy what you are doing to get the unexpected benefits of internet marketing
Take action and have enough discipline to commit to daily action to work on your computer and start making money online!
The highest form of leverage is� �EDUCATION� How much have you invested in educating yourself on business and Internet marketing? This is truly shocking question for anybody starting internet marketing, but it can give you great leverage and World�s most mind-boggling benefits that will blow you away.
It is obvious that if you want to be rich, you must do what the rich people are doing! Successful people are willing to share how they achieve their wealth, and there are no secrets. There are lots of books written on creating wealth and lots of information is freely available from the Internet. You must be willing to invest before you can create wealth.
And other surprising secrets you�re supposed to know is� there are literally thousands of people worldwide making decent full time or part-time income through AdWords on the Internet, and it is a good start to generate your seed money for creating wealth!
Best Regards
Authenticity - Why people arent themselves and what that costs them ...
Why should you be yourself? The simple answer is 'because everyone else is taken' - it's both the simple answer and an accurate answer. The important question is 'why are we not ourselves?' What is the pay off for not being ourselves? Ahhh, now we're talking.
To begin with, what would cause us to not want to be ourselves!! For some of us, we may have been raised in environments where it was dangerous to be who we are. Even as adults we may be working in environments that demand that we be other than who we are in order to ensure job security. So we conclude, I have to be other than I am to get what I want i.e. love, safety, income etc.
We may have learned to believe 'who I am is not good enough to be loved, guaranteed safety, approved of'. We may have been told 'who you are is not worth treating well'. We may have learned 'who you are is not good enough to meet my standards for 'being good enough'. We may become convinced that we are less than we should be.
When we feel not good enough what happens to our lives? We end up putting things on hold until we feel we 'deserve' by becoming good enough. We spend so much time striving to feel that we're good enough. Have I accomplished enough, am I good looking enough, is my car big/fast/exclusive enough, is my job title high enough, do I have enough awards to be good enough? Exhausting isn't it!!
Self worth and authenticity are intrinsically linked. The worth we have in our own eyes, a sense of worth not built on acquisition, job title, appearance, credentials - is the only worth, worth living out of. How many of us realise that we have an intrinsic worth greater than anything on the outside? If we go through life with a sense of being deficient then we are motivated to acquire value - the things that others value in the world then become our aim in life. I may not be good enough in and of myself but look what I've got, becomes our calling card.
Sooner or later, things fall apart, if we're lucky. It can take many forms e.g we can lose everything we spent our whole lives accruing or we meet someone or a situation who places no value on our 'social bling'. We run helter skelter trying to get them to 'see' us as our bling or we go somewhere else. But there's a crack in the tea cup. When it finally breaks open, our break down becomes our breakthrough.
We begin to look for another way. What we've been looking for is a way to feel good about who we are, under all circumstance. We don't always realise it at first since there's much howling in pain and hanging onto fast disappearing 'bling'.
The breakthrough cracks us wide open and everything we've been taught is 'wrong' with us, all the things we've been taught make us 'not good enough' stare us in the face. Excruciating at first but if we stay, refuse to take flight, we can transform. Now begins the re-acquainting ourselves with the 'real' us, all of it.
There are many transformation technologies from journaling, meditation, prayer, walking, body work, sound, vibrational healing. We tend to gravitate towards one that works for us. Soon the pain subsides, loses its edge. We don't feel so raw. Our lives may be in shambles around us but we can stand to be alive and increasingly we can stand to be ourselves. We live in a time of infinite help with wonderful teachers who can assist us in moving out of our debris; emotional, psychological and spiritual.
Not being who we are, may be something we picked up at our beginning but was never a part of our being and we need not continue with it.
November's LiveWell Audio features Sarah Ban Breathnach who guides the listener on a journey to reclaim our authentic selves and the beauty of the life we can create from our 'real' selves.
Three Habits of Effective Project Leadership N Six Keys to Successful Project-Based Work
Three Habits of Effective Project Leadership
For any organization doing project based work, the need for leadership and collaboration is critical. Unfortunately, for many organizations, developing leadership is a challenge�there are never enough leaders in an organization and getting people to collaborate is often a challenge.
Here are three leadership principles that can help you effectively manage project teams in today's complicated business climate:
1. Lead Yourself First. My colleagues and I used to call this walking the talk. If you don't practice what you preach, how can you lead others.
2. Encourage Ownership. The more people feel of sense of ownership, the more responsibility team members will feel for the outcome. Identifying what a positive or negative outcome means to the team will encourage a sense of ownership.
3. Follow-Up. I don't think it's any secret, but leaders get the behaviors they reinforce.
It really doesn't matter what type of project based work you do or your particular work management methodology, project managers who spend time learning and implementing leadership skills are more successful than those that don't. As more and more organization turn to project and portfolio management best practices to make their organizations more efficient, the need for skilled project managers�those who know how to lead people as well as manage process�will continue to grow.
What are you doing to improve your leadership skills?
Six Keys to Successful Project-Based Work
"Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breath in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important."
In the 1984 movie The Karate Kid, Mr. Miagi, an apartment complex maintenance man, becomes an unlikely karate teacher for Daniel Laruso, a high-school kid in trouble with a bunch of local karate-bullies. With an unorthodox teaching style, Daniel-san's first karate lessons includes waxing Mr. Miagi's cars�all four of them.
So what does this have to do with project based work?
Without giving a play-by-play of the whole story,, Mr. Miagi taught Daniel the basic techniques and skills that would allow him to defend himself. I've observed that there are some basic project management fundamentals that are common to any successful project and portfolio management methodology.
Successful project managers focus on what matters most. Here are six suggestions:
1. Make sure the project has a strong sponsor. Every project needs a sponsor who will evangelize the value of the initiative throughout the life of the project.
2. Make sure the project is adequately funded. The temptation is to take whatever funding is offered, but without adequate funding�it's usually the project manager who ends up in hot water when the project fails for lack of financial resources.
3. Pick the right team. Make sure the team includes all the skills that will be needed for success. Just because someone is available, doesn't always mean they are the best to work on your project.
4. Plan. Planning is more than just preparing to deliver the final product. It should involve a continual process of evaluation and adjustment.
5. Know the end before you begin. Make sure you know what the outcome of a successful project is before you start. What does "done" mean? Financial experts call this an "exit plan."
6. Prepare for change. The very nature of projects create change. Whether it's a new product or an improvement in process or technology. Makes sure to prepare for the change,,,,,,
Are you thinking about applying for a loan, or wondering why your interest rate is what it is? Chances are good that your credit score is going to play a big role in both. What is your credit score? Your credit score is your ability to pay your debts and how big of a risk to a lender you would be. The higher the score,.. the higher your chances of getting a good loan with a lower interest rate.
How is my Credit Score Calculated??
There are many factors that go into this. Roughly a third of your score is determined by your credit history and whether you pay your bills on time. Other factors that go into your credit score are how many lines of credit your have and how much of your credit you have used up. The more cards you have the better and the less credit your have used up the better.
What are Some Ways I can Check my Credit Score??
The first step to checking your credit score is to get your credit report. How do I get my credit report? You can go to one of the three credit bureaus and request a credit score. You can also go to your bank or credit union and request a copy. Each borrower gets one free copy of their credit report a year.
One thing that can affect your score is the accuracy of your credit report. There could be mistakes on my credit report that could affect my credit score, you might be asking? Yes, not all creditors report accurately on your credit report, so make sure that it is accurate by requesting a copy at least a year to check for errors that can be holding your score down.
How Else can you Improve Your Credit Score??
Pay your bills on time and make sure that you don't get in over your head with debt. Repossessions and bankruptcies can damage your score and make it less likely to get a loan in the future.........
Your credit score is going to be the way that a lender determines whether or not to give you a loan. If you have a high score you are going to have a better shot at getting a loan for a car or a house. Make sure you are keeping up with your credit report and paying your bills on time.
Have you experienced the embarrassment of forgetting a family member's birthday or an important assignment? Are you in school and are finding it toilsome to study successfully for exams and tests? It's not just you! Thousands and thousands of individuals out there have the same challenge, and it doesn't just affect senior citizens. In school, they never teach you improve your memory information... or the time-tested strategies for successful memorization.
Your brain is a very able piece of machinery. The organ collects data and thoughts, and then categorizes and stores them. For the information in the brain to be used beneficially, it must be available for quick retrieval. One such case of quick recall would be answering a question like, "how old are you," or "what is your address?" How many of you have searched high and low for a pair of eyeglasses, and found them right on your head? Maybe you have forgotten something more important like a project at work, or a homework assignment. The good news is that you don't have to keep worrying about your memory. Regardless of age or ability, there are lots of things you can do to exercise, and improve the performance of your memory.
Sometimes the best "improve your memory information" can be found by asking someone who's got a lot of experience under her belt. My grandmother used to tell me about an old trick to help remind myself of something I had to remember. The technique is to tie a piece of yarn on your finger, or put some tape on your hand to serve as a reminder that you had to remember to do something. Since the string or tape is out of the ordinary, it will help you remember what you were supposed to do. You could tie a string on your thumb, wear your watch upside down, or even set an alarm on your mobile phone. The secret is to mix up your normal environment just enough to tune you in to the fact that something is wrong and you have something to remember.
You can also try creating a picture, to help improve the effectiveness of your memory. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a scene in your mind of what you are trying to remember. In my language learning hobby, I have found this technique very effective in learning new vocabulary. This is how it works. "Potato," in the German language, is pronounced cart-awfol, which is in no way like to the word potato in English. Try to form the following image in your mind. You're shopping for groceries at a store in Berlin and see a gigantic cart of rotten potatoes. Your buddy exclaims, "That is a cart of awful potatoes!" Implant the image in your mind and think about how bad that smells. I'll bet that you'll remember the German word! If your image is wild and imaginative, even a little dirty, you are much more likely to remember your vocabulary word. It works, believe it! This is a system I have employed over many hundreds of words in several languages. Try it! You can use this helpful trick to remember far more things than German vocabulary!
These are just a few ways you can supercharge your brain. The improve your memory information.. that I've shown you here is easy enough that you can start practicing right away! In no time, your memory will be much improved, thanks to the new techniques you've learned and practiced.
Courier Delivery has been the pulse of communication since time immemorial. Even though the internet has taken up the bulk of mail communication process, courier still plays an active role when it comes to delivering tangible goods around the world with reliability and express speed that only courier companies can provide.
The process of courier is quite complicated, and requires several components within the company to perform flawlessly and reliably. Right from the point of pick-up till the delivery, an item passes through several processes that are known only to those inside the business and which hardly matter to the end users. All that matters is the end delivery and peace of mind.
What to Look For In a Courier Service Provider?
Once you decide to use a courier service you have to ensure that you know what options are available and what not. First and the most obvious is the presence of the courier company at the other end. Mostly, smaller companies have collaborations with larger ones to deliver items. However this is not always reliable. A company with a dedicated team of professionals handling the entire process independently is a much better one.
Second comes the pricing. Tariffs vary across companies, make sure that as a customer you look for all available alternatives that provide the speed and reliability at a cheap price. Never choose a costlier one when you can have the same from a more economical courier delivery company.
Then comes the ease of pick up and drop. Most courier companies have local presence in the form of depots and pick up points; the best among them also provide pick up right from your doorstep if you choose. At the other end, the recipient should not be inconvenienced for the sake of delivery. He or she needs to be intimated well ahead about the time of delivery so that he or she can make the necessary arrangements to be present at the time of time of delivery. This commitment and care can be expected only from the best..!
As already mentioned, this aspect is variable and you as a customer should do your research to know about the cheapest available. Talk to your friends and neighbours if you are completely new to this. Most companies will be happy to revert to your queries regarding price options. You could also visit their websites and get a good idea about the several schemes on offer. Requesting a quote can be very helpful in getting the clear picture of the process.
Finally, if you are availing any of the internet related service, whether it be payment or delivery make sure that the company is accredited and authentic.
Web video production has become increasingly popular as embedding technologies and broadband internet speed gets ever better. Where your business or site warrants it, using an online web presenter can help get your message across � in tutorials and product guides, for example. And where a virtual tour is required, the web video really comes into its own.
The bottom line is.... the Internet is now ready and able to support genuine multimedia presences for your company and your company website. In an age of file sharing and self broadcast, your customers and site users expect to see you making the best use of the technology at your disposal. Web video production allows you to make use of video files where they are the most appropriate way to get your message across.
In line with all website optimisation protocols, you should use a web video where a video file or moving image is genuinely the optimum way to deliver your information. Ask yourself the following question, of every part of your website: could it be understood better using another method? If the answer to that question is �no�, then a web video production can simplify your site and make its user experience much better.
Video works excellently for site guides, product descriptions and demonstrations of the services you provide. In many cases it is much easier to show a potential customer or service user something you do, in action, rather than trying to explain it with words and still images. Also, your web video satisfies the strongest of all customer urges � which is to see something they are about to buy, �in the flesh�.
The web video production on your site is ideal for making your site feel more interactive and as long as you have the rest of the page properly optimised the inclusion of a video file won�t confuse search engines. Unlike Flash menus, which look funky and do all kinds of flashy things when you scroll over them, but which prevent search engines from seeing the navigational structure of your site correctly, an embedded file can be optimised properly, even to the extent of directory submission.
The ultimate strength of the web video is in its ability to demonstrate, the use and enjoyment of a product. One of the major objections to web shopping has always been the lack of knowledge about what exactly you are going to get. A photograph of an item you have never seen before never does it the same justice as a video showing you what it is and how it works.
Your web video production can bring your site to life, bring your products to life, and get your information across more clearly. Used properly, it makes your site user�s experience better.
VoIP is replacing conventional telephone services; there are 30 million or more
users by now. To penetrate the market there are few hindrances which are to be
overdone, since VoIP is a hot industry in current days, the market is saturated
and hindrances do come across. The question here is how you can help your
Company do better business? And what setup should be there in order to capture
the market chunk? Breezecom is among all the big exiting players and fulfills
all the benchmarks and is heading to success.
The world has witnessed
many revolutionary changes in the current century with information technology
sector... leading from the front. Many ground breaking methods of communication
evolved due to this advancement. People started to use these new found ways of
keeping in touch with their friends and family enabling more users for a
specific product or service. VoIP is one such technology commonly used nowadays.
The primary two things which anyone in the VOIP industry seeks are the
Price and Quality. The lowest price is not always the best service but it
shouldn�t be too high with respect to market at the same time. And when you buy
keep in mind to choose a provider that has a price that is reasonable with the
competition, but not a low cost provider. Price change should be there in
accordance with the market. When you buy VOIP, Price is only one of many factors
that should be evaluated.
When buying or selling, get the idea of the
second party as it�s very important in terms that it�s a long term relationship
and not few days. Get the idea of business counterpart with the outlay they have
in the Website, the domains they have, the legal system, the payment mode
diversity. Like a car, a test drive gives clear idea what the car is like!
Likewise these factors help evaluate the counterpart well.
Setting up a
place for customers to call and allow important clients access both to your business and your employees is also important and holds vital position. Meeting
customers, enhances the trust and confidence level in the long run.
VOIP network should be strong, and make sure that it does not have problem. Even
simple networks can have problems that will affect the quality of VoIP calls.�
Make sure that your switches are in good shape and that your computers are
running efficiently.
Provision of user friendly CRM is another factor
which holds quite a big importance. It should give access to the customer if he
wants to see CDRs and many other options for the customers. Breezecom provides
provision of real time CDRs in the Customer Relationship Panel. Also 24/7
efficient customer support and technical service should be available.
VOIP is spreading day by day and the competition is getting tougher day
by day. It has been proven that consumers will save a bundle of money by
transitioning away from the traditional telephone companies and switching to a
VoIP provider.
Small businesses are particularly in a position where they can benefit from having a voicemail system, whether it's through an answering machine or a mobile phone. The main purpose of having a voicemail system is to provide customers and workers a personalized way to get in touch with you when no one is around to take their calls. Voicemail systems also provide 24/7 access, allowing you to stay in business even after operating hours. Most of these systems will also have a caller I.D. feature, allowing you to make prompt responses to clients who may have forgotten to leave their contact details. You can also expect to see time stamp features, which should give you accurate information as to when exactly the call was made!!
Of course, this isn�t to say that voicemail systems for businesses are perfect. This platform also has its share of drawbacks, such as the limited number of voice mailboxes which can only accommodate a few voice calls�this is the main reason why most voicemail systems are normally designed for small businesses and residential users. Ordinary voicemail systems are also vulnerable to hacking due to their lacking security features. It�s quite possible for intruders to break passwords and steal contact numbers and messages. If you frequently handle calls of a sensitive nature, you may want to look up systems with more advanced features.
At the end of the day however, most voicemail systems have benefits that far outweigh their cons. It all depends on your needs and what your business requires to grow. It pays to determine how much you�re willing to spend on your communications structure before you looking into the options that are available to you. A basic system will take care of the fundamentals, which should do for micro home based businesses. For larger organizations, you�ll have no choice but to spend more if you want the best.
It's normal to hear time management discussed in business circles; yet, it is a topic that can be of great benefit to everybody. Time is a challenge for all of us, whether we're business people, workers, students or stay at home moms or dads. There seems to be less time in today's world, and that's why it's a lot more important to learn how to properly manage our time. In this article.. we are going to be discussing a few key reasons why time management is so important.
A big benefit of time management is just how that it boosts your productivity. It is something that almost everybody hopes to be able to do. Seldom do you hear of individuals who feel that they've got adequate time to do the things they need and wish to do. In lots of instances, the problem is not not enough time but rather the fact that you do not have an efficient way of managing your time. Time management shows you how to set priorities, and to focus on how much time you're wasting every day. The idea is not really to put yourself under more pressure to try and do more, but to utilize your time more wisely so you appear to have more of it.
1 positive advantage of time management is decreased levels of stress. Not having enough time is one of the main reasons we experience stress. Think about how tense you feel if you are worrying about being late for a scheduled visit or if you're stuck in traffic. These issues relate to time, and if you have this type of situation often you could probably benefit from some training in time management. Learning how to control schedule so that overwhelmed us and become an issue indicates that you are supervising your time efficiently. We often believe that the solution to our problems is doing things faster, but it could be even better and more relaxing if we learn how to manage our time better.
Time management doesn't just includes boosting your productivity and efficiency; you also want to feel more pleasure and a better quality of life. Time is an important component of life and so we feel better about our lives when we have the ability to control our time. Conversely, feeling that we're running out of time can create an overall feeling that we aren't good in some part of life. Those who are genuinely successful are aware that time management is a crucial skill they have to get good at. It could be the one determining factor that lets you live in the moment and appreciate your life instead of feeling that time is a merciless boss.
Time management is very significant in our present times, even more so than in previous decades. Existing technology allows us to do things faster than before and yet we feel forced to continually increase the pace. As an example, we continue to have difficulty keeping track of the large number of available information even with computers and other gadgets that are extremely powerful. Time management is the component that can give us a sense of control over time so we can quit rushing and loosen up.
The Internet has made it possible to generate many more forms of passive online income. Passive income is one of three types of income, as categorized by the IRS. The most common source of passive income is through online advertisements ?? true or false ??
Advertising models
Online advertisers offer a variety of advertising models where advertising affiliates are offered payment in exchange for clicks, impressions or for each commission. For example, an e-commerce website might offer a percentage of the revenue generated from sales after a user arrives from the affiliate's link.
Generating passive income
The size of the passive income generated by the advertising affiliates comes from the number of users who see the link and are compelled by the advertisement or context that the link is embedded in. In order to draw in traffic and maximize clicks, advertising affiliates need to create content that is interesting to the users and can also draw in traffic that is likely to click on the links and purchase the product on the other side.
The need for content
For this reason, many websites that are advertising affiliates need content, which is most often text. However, the content can also include images, downloads, software, video and various other applications and forms of multimedia. Website owners earn a passive income through advertisements either by creating the content themselves or by subcontracting the creation of this content out to other content creators.
Passive and active compensation
This can be paid for either through passive or active payments. Some website owners choose to share a portion of the website earnings with the content creators, while other websites choose to pay content creators a flat fee, which represents an active form of income. Flat fees provide content creators with an immediate gratification for the content creator, but articles with a large amount of views can earn much more passive income.
E-commerce and auctions
Advertisements are only one way in which income is generated online. Another way to generate income is through the selling of products and services. Many products are sold on e-commerce websites and auction websites. E-commerce websites generally sell a select type of merchandise, with products sold usually at a set price. Auction websites allow buyers and sellers to meet online. Buyers can bid on products, with the highest bidders getting the item for sale.
Private contracts
The bidding concept is also used to sell services on a variety of bidding websites. In this model, clients can post projects and professionals can bid on the project. In this case, the bid represents the fee that the professional wishes to be paid for the project. The client can choose bidders based on the suggested fee, the professional's credentials and samples that are presented to the client.
However, this only represents one of many ways that clients and independent contractors can come together. Many clients will advertise the need for services on online classified websites, content mills and forums. For more high-profile projects, talent is usually found through word-of-mouth or by the independent contractor advertising his or her services on a personal website. While clients might pay a flat fee for services, some clients and independent contractors work out an hourly rate or a revenue share system.
About Me

- Aree Tone WoW
- Saya adalah seorang bekas Tentera Malaysia didalam Kor Kesihatan diRaja. Berpencen pada tahun 2008, menetap di Pulau Pinang. Kini saya bekerja sepenuh masa sebagai seorang Pengedar SimKad Tone WoW Pulau Pinang. Berminat nak tahu bagaimana SimKad ini mampu bayar gaji sila whatsapp 0134704110 Aree
Blog Archive
- What Does My Credit Score Mean!!!???? (40)
- Learning How To Improve Your Memory Info
- Courier Delivery Services Tips....
- How Web Video Production, Can Help Your Business..
- Helping Your Company do better Business// (VOIP)
- Voicemail Systems for Businesses ?? Are they Worth...
- Numerous Benefits of Time Management Skills.....
- The Brilliant Ways To Generate Online Income