Three Habits of Effective Project Leadership & Six Keys to Successful Project-Based Work
Three Habits of Effective Project Leadership
For any organization doing project based work, the need for leadership and collaboration is critical. Unfortunately, for many organizations, developing leadership is a challenge�there are never enough leaders in an organization and getting people to collaborate is often a challenge.
Here are three leadership principles that can help you effectively manage project teams in today's complicated business climate:
1. Lead Yourself First. My colleagues and I used to call this walking the talk. If you don't practice what you preach, how can you lead others.
2. Encourage Ownership. The more people feel of sense of ownership, the more responsibility team members will feel for the outcome. Identifying what a positive or negative outcome means to the team will encourage a sense of ownership.
3. Follow-Up. I don't think it's any secret, but leaders get the behaviors they reinforce.
It really doesn't matter what type of project based work you do or your particular work management methodology, project managers who spend time learning and implementing leadership skills are more successful than those that don't. As more and more organization turn to project and portfolio management best practices to make their organizations more efficient, the need for skilled project managers�those who know how to lead people as well as manage process�will continue to grow.
What are you doing to improve your leadership skills?
Six Keys to Successful Project-Based Work
"Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breath in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important."
In the 1984 movie The Karate Kid, Mr. Miagi, an apartment complex maintenance man, becomes an unlikely karate teacher for Daniel Laruso, a high-school kid in trouble with a bunch of local karate-bullies. With an unorthodox teaching style, Daniel-san's first karate lessons includes waxing Mr. Miagi's cars�all four of them.
So what does this have to do with project based work?
Without giving a play-by-play of the whole story, Mr. Miagi taught Daniel the basic techniques and skills that would allow him to defend himself. I've observed that there are some basic project management fundamentals that are common to any successful project and portfolio management methodology.
Successful project managers focus on what matters most. Here are six suggestions:
1> Make sure the project has a strong sponsor. Every project needs a sponsor who will evangelize the value of the initiative throughout the life of the project.
2> Make sure the project is adequately funded. The temptation is to take whatever funding is offered, but without adequate funding�it's usually the project manager who ends up in hot water when the project fails for lack of financial resources.
3> Pick the right team. Make sure the team includes all the skills that will be needed for success. Just because someone is available, doesn't always mean they are the best to work on your project.
4> Plan. Planning is more than just preparing to deliver the final product. It should involve a continual process of evaluation and adjustment.
5> Know the end before you begin. Make sure you know what the outcome of a successful project is before you start. What does "done" mean? Financial experts call this an "exit plan."
6> Prepare for change. The very nature of projects create change. Whether it's a new product or an improvement in process or technology. Makes sure to prepare for the change.
For expert artist and designers, the exciting thing about utilizing personal computer sets is that most of these individuals can now combine the technology with the traditional art without compromising others aspects. Utilizing a computer program such as the Adobe Photoshop will now allow you to do the same things that would have done traditional by some people with a pencil and paper, however, much faster and with less waste materials. Most designers and even you can now redraw and get rid of illustrations and images with the aid of this advanced computer technology, even in the last phase of the design process, without having to get more pencils and papers.
This goes for all amateur and professional designers like you, you and all others that are more often than not making business marketing materials such as stickers, postcards and especially posters can now make use of the steps that is printed in this article for you to cut down on printing cost and especially on waste materials.
You will also accomplish plenty of time when it comes to setting up something errors with the aid of these programs. To further improve your know how about these things, below are some of the fundamental steps that you can consider every time you are designing your print materials with the aid of the Adobe Photoshop????
The sketching in Photoshop � most of the professional designers usually believes that the process of sketching is similar when it comes to traditional and digital art. The palette graphics of this program almost replicates the feeling of the drawing on paper materials. However, the drawing process in this program is not really as fast as the drawing process in paper materials. On the other side of the working sheet of this given program, you can make effects such as the halftones that cannot be drawn with the use of pencils and papers.
Preparing layers � after you have finished with the sketching process, it is now the time for you to convert all the images in your print materials into sepia tones before you work on the color elements. The process of converting the images into sepia tones is a very easy task that you can do on your own. After that, you can utilize the sliders to colorize the lines into yellow or some other colors that you want. In sepia, the sketch lines usually yield halftones that are subtle, which makes it easier for you to view the image but retain its given form while in the coloring process.
Working with the lower layer � always select a dominant dark type color that the secondary aspect can relate to without losing or decreasing the contrast in your print materials. It is a must for you to do this process so that you will not be lost in the details of all the given colors and images that is floating around your print materials.
Working with the top layer � finally, the top layer is usually where you can work with the lines of the drawing in your poster printing by adjusting, refining and correcting them. This is also where you can work with the lighter colors to aid you smooth out uneven shapes. Once you are done coloring your poster design, the top layer is also, where you can get rid of the lines that will just negatively affect your print materials functionality.
Over the past few months... the concepts of stripping back the superfluous, simplifying and pulling apart the true meaning of integrity have been strong personal themes. For many people, there�s a drive to again inspect old patterns that continue to run happily in the background despite years of self-examination. Perhaps under the direction of a new global energy, there�s a sense of being able to lovingly let go of those things that have served us all well on one level, yet have offered excuses to stay small on another.
I came across Don Miguel Ruiz� �The Four Agreements� the other day and it strongly resonated with this desire to pare back; to simplify,to become more real as a participant in this world and begin operating in a more authentic way.
With these 4 simple tenets, we could literally change the way we as humans operate in this world. How do they resonate with you? Please feel free to share your thoughts, we�d love to hear from you.
1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity.. say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don�t Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won�t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don�t Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Selling to high-level decision makers is challenging at the best of times. However, it can be easier if you understand a few business principles.
C-level decision makers are paid to improve their business results. Regardless of how the media portrays these executives, their primary concern is to improve their business. This includes increasing sales, market share, customer loyalty; reducing costs, errors, or employee turnover; improving productivity, employee engagement, customer service, etc.
How does your product, service or solution address one of these issues?
C-level decision makers deal with changing priorities. Improving customer engagement may be a top priority today but tomorrow that executive may be faced with cutting $250,000 in expenses. That means they sometimes go cold after expressing initial interest in your solution.
Do you have a strategy in place to keep your solution current?
C-level decision makersare extremely busy. The average executive arrives early in the morning and stays late into the evening. They get dozens of calls every day, receive too many emails, and attend too many meetings. This means that you need to maximize every minute you have when you connect with them. This applies to telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings.
Do you know EXACTLY what to say when you connect with these individuals?
C-level decision makersrely on others. Contrary to popular belief, these high-ranking big-wigs seldom make decisions on their own. They often defer to other people on their team and ask for feedback from peers and/or subordinates. This means you need to involve these people in your conversations and include them in the decision making process.
Do you have the ability to finesse this?
C-level decision makers don�t like to make mistakes. A major mistake can affect an executive�s reputation in their company. This affects the decision-making process which means you need to uncover their risk factor during your conversations.
How will you reduce your prospect�s risk factor?
C-level decision makers have big egos. Most executives have a healthy ego which is one of the things that helped them achieve their status in the company. This means that you need to be very confident in your own abilities when selling to these individuals. Don�t back down when you�re challenged. In fact, doing so could cost you the business because C-level execs want to deal with people who believe in what they do.
Are you confident enough to deal directly with C-level executives?
C-level decision makers spend the bulk of their day in meetings.The next time you�re in the office, watch an executive. Chances are you will see them dashing from meeting to meeting. Your prospects are in the same position. They aren�t sitting at their desk waiting for you to call them.
Are you persistent in your efforts to connect with these individuals?
C-level decision makers have at least 40 hours of work on their desk at any given time. Several executives I know have expressed these sentiment, �I will never get caught up� or �Just when I think I can�t get busier, I do� or �I never call a sales person back because I already have too much on my plate.� you need to give these individual�s an extremely good reason to meet with you or take your call.
Is your approach effective?
C-level decision makers receive upwards of 150 emails every day. Many sales people use email as their major form of correspondence and it can be ineffective because most C-level decision makers simply don�t have time to respond to every email, a Managing Director once told me that he prefers telephone correspondence because he simply can�t get to every email, even when he wants to.
Do you use a variety of strategies..... to connect with C-level decision makers?
C-level decision makers think big picture.Stop focusing on your product or your company and start looking at the big picture of your prospect�s business. Most C-level execs don�t get bogged down in the little details of their business�they pay others to take care of the details. I once met with the President of a $125 million company and made the mistake of asking her questions about front-line execution instead of top-level strategic issues.
Can you see and discuss the big picture?
Think about your responses to each question and adapt your approach accordingly.
How To Get on Your Road to Riches with Google AdWords Today will blow you away if you stick to it!
1- Find a product to promote, something you feel passionate about and that you know people will want to buy it. Start with simple products such as software or ebook, a good place to start is to go to and do a bit of research on google on the products you want to promote.
2- Do simple google keyword research to identify potential target market, make a google search for To find out about the popular keywords people are searching for.
3- Register an account at google adwords and follow the instruction to put an AdWords add with popular keywords to drive targeted visitors to your landing page or merchant website.
4- Build a landing page or optin-page to build your email list. It is important to get an autoresponder as soon as possible to build your list.
5- You will get a pay whenever a visitor you refer buys or completes a required �call-to-action�.
You also need to be willing to invest in yourself, to learn as much as possible. You must be teachable and believe that you can do it. You also must identify a team you can work with or find a mentor who is willing to guide you.
Most important of all, you must enjoy what you are doing to get the unexpected benefits of internet marketing
Take action and have enough discipline to commit to daily action to work on your computer and start making money online!
The highest form of leverage is� �EDUCATION� How much have you invested in educating yourself on business and Internet marketing? This is truly shocking question for anybody starting internet marketing, but it can give you great leverage and World�s most mind-boggling benefits that will blow you away.
It is obvious that if you want to be rich, you must do what the rich people are doing! Successful people are willing to share how they achieve their wealth, and there are no secrets. There are lots of books written on creating wealth and lots of information is freely available from the Internet. You must be willing to invest before you can create wealth.
And other surprising secrets you�re supposed to know is� there are literally thousands of people worldwide making decent full time or part-time income through AdWords on the Internet, and it is a good start to generate your seed money for creating wealth!
Best Regards............................... and keep it work///
About Me

- Aree Tone WoW
- Saya adalah seorang bekas Tentera Malaysia didalam Kor Kesihatan diRaja. Berpencen pada tahun 2008, menetap di Pulau Pinang. Kini saya bekerja sepenuh masa sebagai seorang Pengedar SimKad Tone WoW Pulau Pinang. Berminat nak tahu bagaimana SimKad ini mampu bayar gaji sila whatsapp 0134704110 Aree